Reorganized School District No. 7
Lee's Summit, Missouri
Last Updated:

Structured Teacher Collaboration Day - 60 minute late start
BLUE shading = work day
Non-work day and Non-student attendance day
Non-student attendance day
End of Quarter

Early Release Day
Inclement Weather AMI Day (Will not be made up at the end of the year)


  • **Alternative Method of Instruction (AMI) days (virtual learning) will be used for the first 5 inclement weather days. Additional inclement weather days will be added to the end of the year as needed. (Average number of snow days in the last 5 years is 6 days.)**

    Missouri State statute requires districts to meet a minimum of 1,044 student hours of instruction a year.

    The District strongly recommends that parents/guardians and employees refrain from making vacation and other travel plans without considering the possibility that the school term will end later than anticipated due to required make-up hours.